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The rapper hit Instagram with a photo of Chris Brown's little girl.

I know it has been confirmed that Soulja Boy and Chris Brown are set to do their celebrity boxing match in March, but it may not make it until then. Earlier today, Chris Brown posted a picture of Breezy’s daughter, Royalty, on his social media and tagged The Money Team. Chris caught wind of it…and […]

The singer's visitation rights changed—and not in his favor—after his latest arrest.

It looks like Nia Guzman’s tricks for Chris Brown to lose the custody battle of their daughter Royalty, didn’t work. Nia tried to say that Brown’s “alleged” drug use and gang affiliation didn’t make him a fit dad and that he should lose his custody rights. She wanted to cut down his Breezy visitation time […]

Kim K explains why she documented her pregnancy scare on Snapchat, Amber Riley has a message for the fat shamers & more