The St. Jude legacy is grounded by their mission as we celebrate the past 60 years and many more to come.


#SoIHaveAFriend: well a few friends that I have had this conversation with over the course of the past week in 2019. We were talking about the best ways to implement ways to actually help with executing the plans and goals we are setting. And of course, the inevitable question was asked, “So what is your […]

By being practical and disciplined, you can make your 2020 resolutions meaningful.

We all look forward to the New Year and we make our Resolutions thinking that the New Year will just change. The only way things change is when you change your mind to make it happen. You have to be willing to give up some things that others won’t so your future self will thank […]

Dre’s #breakfastbite.. It’s Jan 6, are you still committed to your new years resolution? What was it and why? #92qjams #BALTIMORE #MARYLAND #BMORE #monday Karletta Drake The samething i did last year eating healthy & “GETTIN MORE MONEY MORE MONEY ” GM DRE MrsFree Jackson Yes & no. Don’t have a new years resolution. But […]

The year is almost over which means not only are we going through all the best things of 2010, but it’s also time to start thinking about the changes we want to make in 2011. We all know making New Years resolutions is the easy part, study shows that 40 to 45% of American adults […]

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We are always good at making them, but fail tremendously when trying to keep them. Learn 5 ways to stick to your New Year's resolution.