The St. Jude legacy is grounded by their mission as we celebrate the past 60 years and many more to come.


#SoIHaveAFriend: That is dating this guy who doesn’t believe that energy is transferable. She personally has attended personal therapy to understand how to deal with her conversational topics of choice, delivery in conversation and most importantly protecting her energy! Since then her personal growth in being vocal has increased but so has their arguments? So […]

The body need to proper fuel for energy. If you are tired all the time or need a boost from coffee or soda’s then you aren’t getting the right stuff. Understanding your body and putting in the work to maintain your health an energy is important for your health. I healthy body and state of […]

How many times a day do you look to coffee, soda or candy in your quest to stay awake during work or school? If often, you may have been looking into all the wrong remedies. Consuming the above mentioned to fill sleepy voids usually end up making people feel more sluggish than they were to […]

#DreThought: Life is too short to spend time with people who suck the happiness out of you. Stick around people who bring the best out of you. All others, kick to the curb!!!

  Meek Mill just dropped the hottest freestyle right now or Drake’s Energy song. Check it out right now. Related Articles Meek Mill Speaks On Police Brutality


With the massive oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico fouling waterways, wildlife and beaches, President Barack Obama is expressing deepening concern about the failure to plug the five-week old leak.

Sometimes those extra 10 minutes of sleep we get from hitting the snooze button in the morning are not enough.