The St. Jude legacy is grounded by their mission as we celebrate the past 60 years and many more to come.

Today is the first day back to school for Baltimore City and County schools. However, just as soon as your kids arrive at their school, they could be on their way back home. According to the website over 15 schools will close at 11:30 a.m. or 12:30 p.m. depending on their school start time […]

Dre’s #breakfastbite.. What are you doing to beat the heat today? #bmore #92q #baltimore #wednesday #monday Erica Tryingtogetright Hailey Taking the babies to the beach Trina Whoelsebutme Selden Staying this wise ass in the house lol! Dina Mae Working in the gooooddd air! Morning Dre Elliott Simon Stay in the house and watch Netflix lol! […]

Via Baltimore Gas and Electric asserts that residents are looking to get rid of old air conditioning units and they can recycle them this weekend. The utility company says BGE customers will receive a $25 reward if their air conditioners still works.  They state that recycling old air conditioners keep them from being dumped […]

Why do you think Baltimore City and County schools are the main schools in the area that do NOT have air conditioning? Is it poor leadership? A  lack of tax money? Or something else? Tell us what you think.