Breakfast Bite With Dre Johnson

The St. Jude legacy is grounded by their mission as we celebrate the past 60 years and many more to come.

Gov. Larry Hogan is expected to announce today relaxing of some restrictions on business and gatherings, but Baltimore Mayor Jack Young is not comfortable reopening. As part of his three-stage plan to reopen the economy, Hogan last week began to loosen some restrictions, including permitting elective medical procedures and recreational activities such as boating and […]

A billboard for Baltimore Mayor Jack Young was vandalized on top of his campaign headquarters. The billboard’s message — which typically features Young’s name and reads “Baltimore’s Mayor” — was replaced with “Cancel Rent,” followed by a vulgarity directed at the police. Baltimore Police are investigating the incident, which took place at North Avenue and […]

Calls to exterminators about rats in Baltimore homes have double during the coronavirus pandemic. According to the Baltimore Sun, exterminators say the city’s rats have moved from restaurants to homes as the coronavirus pandemic has cut down on food waste from the city’s eating establishments. In Baltimore, the common type of rats are Norway rats […]

Gov. Larry Hogan said Maryland has received hundreds of calls looking for guidance following Trump’s comments on disinfectants. President Trump suggested Thursday that sunlight, high humidity or possibly an “injection” of “the disinfectant that knocks it out in a minute” could be COVID-19 treatments. The Maryland Emergency Management Agency also warned that “under no circumstance” […]

Baltimore could see at least 15,000 could lose their food stamp benefits under a new Trump administration rule that changes eligibility requirements. Roughly 30,000 people in Maryland could be affected. This is one of several changes the Trump administration has pushed for food stamps. Maryland and a dozen states are suing to block the U.S. […]

Community Activist Sean “Layedbackjack” Davis, 33, was among those killed in Baltimore this week. He was shot to death outside of his car dealership on East 25th Street. Davis helped people in the community, giving away cars for $1 to those who needed them. Most recently, he ran Toys were left inside the gate of […]

A new male birth control that is supposed to last 13 years has completed a successful clinical trial and could be available in six months. According to reports from Scientists in India, there is a 97.3% success rate and no reported side-effects. The scientists noted the birth control compound called Styrene Maleic Anhydride will be […]

A new City Council bill proposal seeks to help Baltimore’s youth cope with trauma. According to a report, it’s estimated more than half of Baltimore’s youth have experienced trauma, from exposure to violence, loss and homelessness. The bill is sponsored by City Councilman Zeke Cohen of District 1. “We have tried the ‘tough on crime, […]

Baltimore City police arrested six teens Saturday night after fights broke out near the Inner Harbor. “They were basically meeting up and then going and dispersing in smaller groups and creating a few crimes. They were trying to bust windows,” according to Chief of Patrol for Baltimore Police. He said one was arrested for unarmed […]

A new bill proposed in New York could make walking and texting while crossing the street illegal. Join Our Text Club To Get The Latest Music, Entertainment, Contests And Breaking News On Your Phone. Text BALTIMORE to 24042 to join! According to CNN, the New York State Senate seeks to ban pedestrians from using portable electronic […]

Join Our Text Club To Get The Latest Music, Entertainment, Contests And Breaking News On Your Phone. Text BALTIMORE to 24042 to join! Jon Coles claims he was assaulted and his car damaged in downtown Baltimore by a group of squeegee boys cleaning windshields. Cole says, he was driving with his wife and children in the […]