About Konan

The St. Jude legacy is grounded by their mission as we celebrate the past 60 years and many more to come.


The Housing Authority is helping families get food for their family. Please hit the link below that says SOURCE… Only go get food if you can’t afford to buy food. I say that because it is families that really don’t have enough money to buy food for the house. I hope and pray you all […]


The twins that were born during the Pandemic will remember this for their entire life! The parents of the twins named them after virus because they wanted to spread joy. The twins are a boy and girl,so the boy was named Covid, the girl Corona, so it’s something that they will always carry with them. […]


I decided to post something for you to enjoy during this crisis! We need to relax and enjoy life and let go of the stress so we don’t go crazy. Life is to short and with the uncertainty of the coronavirus we need to enjoy more. Sign Up For Our Newsletter!


The coronavirus is explained by one of the top doctors in NYC who is treating COVID-19 people everyday. He is trying to let people know how to protect themselves and their families. He knows how to protect from getting the virus. Sign Up For Our Newsletter!

People that ran into the stores after they heard closures were coming because of the coronavirus. They have now realized that they got more stuff than they needed or can use right now, so they want to return items to put money back in their bank account. Maybe they didn’t think it would be still […]


Bill Gates said that The United States has not seen the peak of this COVID-19.. The Coronavirus is sweeping across America like nothing the world has ever seen.  I thought this would be over by now but we can see this might carry on through the Spring and Summer if we don’t get a lid […]

During this Coronavirus outbreak you must stay focused on you and your family. Safety is FIRST! The main thing is for you to keep your immune system strong during this time because if your immune system gets weak you can likely catch the Coronavirus. Fear is the number one cause for a weak immune system, […]


This video needs no words. I believe if we had more people in office with this passion. The government would operate a whole lot BETTER!!!! SHARE THIS ASAP!!!


Drake was with Kevin Durant who tested positive for the Coronavirus and since then more NBA Players and other celebrities have tested positive for the COVID-19 Coronavirus. Everybody was talking about Drake having the Coronavirus because he was so close to Kevin Durant. I think you will all be happy to know that Drake tested […]


The National Guard is in Baltimore to assist the city in making sure that people are following the instructions from our Mayor and elected officials. Please for your safety and the safety of everybody. I know that people are scared but there is no reason to be if you follow direction and keep yourself out […]