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Antonio Brown As A Raider

Source: Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images / Photo by Christian Petersen/Getty Images

Just when we thought we had seen it all from Antonio Brown, he shows us there’s another level to yet his crazy set of antics. Most recently while vacationing in Dubai Brown, decided to show another the call “illegal use of hands” could be used off the football field. While in the pool with other guest of the vacation property, AB could be seen on video being egged on to show his “butt-ox” in the face of a young lady that was in the pool. Not only did he expose his rear end then you see he full exposing himself to the rest of the guest in the pool. He lift’s himself up out of the water while performing an “illegal use of hands” or “roughing the passer.” Whew!

While nothing has been said about potential charges of indecent exposure. We will keep you updated as to how this could play out.


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