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Ferris wheel with blue sky

Source: fhm / Getty

Ferris wheels are known for going round-n-round, but on Sunday in northern Ohio, one was going up and down. Literally.

Cedar Point has been one of the most popular amusement parks in the Midwest since 1870. On Sunday (August 14) David Davis and Heather Johnston, both 32, were accused of having sex on the Giant Wheel while it was in motion.

According to the police report, Davis and Johnston could be heard giggling and laughing as the cart swayed violently. The four witnesses – two children and two adults – were in nearby carts. They all told police that they could see the couple’s private parts, and said that the accused pair knew they were being watched.

Davis and Johnston were arrested at the scene, and both taken to Erie County Jail. They’ve been charged with public indecency. Because the incident supposedly happened in front of children, they’ve both been issued a first-degree misdemeanor as well.

If found guilty, they both stand to spend up to 180 days in jail.

Check out what Cleveland’s own Sir Yacht had to say on Twitter!


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A Couple Had Sex on the Cedar Point Ferris Wheel and Was Arrested  was originally published on

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