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Source: Diamond Images / Getty

On Monday the NFL handed down a six-game suspension to Cleveland Browns quarterback Deshaun Watson for violating the league’s personal conduct policy. The ruling was made by disciplinary officer Sue L. Robinson, who was jointly agreed upon to rule on such matters by the NFL and NFL Players Association.

Today the NFL decided to appeal that decision.

This is an unprecedented situation for a league that’s been blasted for not caring about women’s rights – among other things – for decades. The appeal of the very first ruling of an independent arbitrator will call into question whether or not disciplinary officers will be used moving forward. It also brings into play the ability for Watson, whose suspension is halted until the NFL decides what the new punishment will be, to play in Week 1.

We’ll have more details on this story as it develops.

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NFL Appeals Deshaun Watson Six Game Suspension  was originally published on

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