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Christmas Cash

Source: Christmas Cash / Christmas Cash

Tristan Thompson may not just have future athletic problems, he will have significant financial responsibilities. After the recent discovery of his latest child with his newest baby mama, Maralee Nichols with whom he was embroiled in a nasty legal paternity battle last year will join the group of other mothers in a upcoming potential child support payout.

According to Thompson family lawyer, Tristan would have to give each woman roughly $40k a month. “Paying $40,000 per child per month, that is $1.5 million annually in child support.” Most recently Tristan was traded from the Sacramento Kings to the Indiana Pacers. He has already come to grips with this may be his last year in the NBA. However, that decision was made before this hefty payment came down.

We shall see what the final number may be that Tristan may have to payout.

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