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Lamar Jackson, John Harbaugh Ravens

Source: Scott Clarke / ESPN Images / Scott Clarke / ESPN Images

The Baltimore Ravens have done it again! Sunday nights game against the Detroit Lions had everyone on the edge of their seat until Justin Tucker came to save the day and break records. While biting out nails the ball  bounced off the crossbar before  going through the posts and this wasn’t an ordinary kick this was a last second  66-yard field goal. The previous record for the longest field goal was originally set by Matt Prater in 2013 with a 64-yard conversion. The record breaking kick helped seal an important victory for the Ravens, beating out the Lions 19-17.

When Baltimore Ravens head coach John Harbaugh was asked to describe Justin Tucker he said “He’s the best kicker in NFL history.” Well numbers don’t lie an neither did that kick so I guess sit is safe to say he is the best kicker in the NFL.


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