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Everything is opening up despite latest health reports that suggests it shouldn’t. According to Johns Hopkins University, the number of Coronavirus cases in the U.S has surpassed the 2.5 Million mark. Near the end of last week, the United States had record setting days in terms of diagnosing the virus among citizens.

Globally? I thought you’d never ask. 10 Million people across the world have been diagnosed with COVID-19. That’s a lot. Whether you want to admit or not, that’s pretty major.

I can’t explain the confusion that I feel driving up Broadway and seeing everyone outside. No masks. No distance. No concerns. I love to see the laughter and the joy but not at the expense of our community’s health. While I’m no scientists or anything of the sort, it seems like people are searching for a response to the fear of the virus. People are searching for a bit of “fresh air” after being tired of quarantine.

People just want to live again. 

…and I get it, I really do. It was weird for me to drive down to Bowie this weekend to pick up something from my parents house and not be able to go in. They had to bring it outside; masked up and hug-free. In fact, I haven’t seen the inside of my parents’ house since I got back from Dallas in February. Not that I have the virus or anything but in case I do, I would never forgive myself for getting them sick.

My best friend’s father retired this weekend and had to have a drive-thru party to celebrate the occasion. It felt weird to be out there and experiencing it but it’s simply a sign of the times. Whether I was comfortable with it or not, the virus is still around; silently pitching tents in our communities and claiming lives.

Here’s what I’m saying. It’s tempting to go and enjoy summertime vibes with the homies. Very tempting. Although you miss life the way it was before this year, the threat of COVID-19 is still potent. You can’t see this thing and sometimes, even the ones who have it don’t show symptoms of it. But, they surely can pass it to you and your loved ones who may have a tougher time fighting it than you. That’s it, that’s the tweet. 

See the community side of fighting this virus; understanding that we have to do our part to not only protect ourselves but to protect each other. 

Even if you have to get a designer mask or something, wear that thing. It’s a small little dose of discomfort to buy a little more time with your loved ones. Don’t waste your breath or your anytime minutes calling me about a ‘kick back’ or anything. I’m not interested in the risks involved.

For anyone who is wondering, yes I am real and no I am not employed by the Illuminati. Suspend the conspiracy theories for the sake of your family’s health. Be present in the fight and be vigilant.

Get at me on Instagram! @briansworldlive



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