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#SoIHaveAFriend: that has been going through her own mental health issues over time. Now that she feels she has a grasp on her energy recently, the mental health bug has bitten her boyfriend due to him being furloughed from his job; due to the Coronavirus. So she hit me up and asked me, “Hey JayCee, how do I not become an domestic violence statistic due to my boyfriends current state of mental health?” No he’s not drinking and no he has never hit her before. But she is aware, that at the state of being that the world is in and what she has witnessed before first hand through her friends and some family members, she wants to defeat the odds that seem to be stacked up against her.

Personally, this sounds like a commuication method needs to be put in place. Talk about how you both really feel and just continue to have healthy conversation. Pray with and without each other, and also, alert someone else that you trust ,of this feeling you are having just to be on the safe side of things.

Let me know your suggestions in the comments section below!

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