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2018 Night School Movie

Source: Universal Studios / 2018 Universal Studios

#SoIHaveAFriend: That is an educator who is enjoying her much needed time off and away. However, as an educator she is super curious as to how parents are doing with their children whom they usually send them to for structure. Now that schools are closed she’s more so concerned that all of her structures that she’s created for her students will be lost, due to parents waiting for the government to reopen schools so “teachers will adn can do their underpaid job.”

So the question I’ve been asked is, “Parents what structed measures have or will you put in place for your child to still be up to grade standards par when school does officially reopen; and will your kids meet those standards?” Personally, I believe this a great question because teachers are the most devalued people in the world because they aren’t just teachers they’re counselors, part-time parents and mentors.

Let me know your suggestions in the comments section below; and I’ll talk to you soon!

92 Q

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