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Young black African American couple sitting by glass table and trying to work through pile of bills, frustrated by amount of expenses during economic crises recession times hoping for stimulus plan to work or expecting bailout money

Source: Lev Olkha / Getty

#SoIHaveAFriend: My home girl recently received a promotion on her job! Major Congrats Right? I would think so too. However, recently her now fiance (congrats to them) has been acting differently ever since he found out about her increased salary that came with the promotion. He now makes less money than she does, when at first he was consider the bread winner by have a higher salary compared to her. While he is very excited, his pride and ego has been majorly exposed over time. He’s started to short word conversations and text messages, overly showing how he can pay the bill and more.

So today’s question is, “Fellas (ladies you can chime in to) how do you deal with your significant other making more money than you when you once did before?” Personally, I think it doesn’t matter; it’s still in the same house. However, I know that I am not the person that is the male in this situation so I don’t know how I would feel if that was the case.

Let me know your thoughts and suggestions in the comments section below! Talk to you soon!

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