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Source: Nathan Maxfield / Getty

#SoIHaveAFriend: That has been in a relationship with a guy over 5 years. She recently heard the #JayCeesJuice about asking the right questions before marriage and/or divorce; and that got her wheels turning. In 5 years they have had financial conversations however, they have never been truly in debt throughout the conversation. They have had talks about being together forever, so he is definitely in it to win it with her. So after hearing the topic that day she called me and asked, “How should she approach the conversation without being hostile to get answers?”

So my question to you is, “How do you approach a conversation that seems to be tapped danced around for years; so that you can feel secure with your communication efforts down the line?”

Let me know your suggestions below in the comments section below! Lets help my friend get back on track!

92 Q

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