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bad report card

Source: Eric Anthony Johnson / Getty

Grade changing is a systemic problem in our area, according to a report on Fox 45 News. There were roughly 13 students from Calverton Elementary/Middle in West Baltimore who failed, but each failing grade was changed to a 60; the lowest passing score.

Dre’s #breakfastbite:ย 70 percent of Baltimore City Schools grades are changed from failing to passing, according to an administrator at North Ave. What are your thoughts? IG & Twitter via @drejohnson1 & @92qjamsbmore say…

Tyice Pulliam This is just disgusting and a disgrace to society. I personally know this have to go on because my son had all failing grades and Dr. Martin Luther King elementary/middle still passed him and I was like how?

Shanae Johnson I believe it. I’ve experienced this first hand. Schools want to make sure they receive that funding and they don’t want to be responsible for those children have problems

kev_oo2 It messed up, got people thinking they doing good whole time they not.

ybrown5 Especially those troubled students in HS. The entire educational system needs to be thrown away and revamped.

kaneenterprisesllc Systematically creating criminals. In the school system a passing grade is 60 (D-). That’s the standard being set and the children can’t reach that goal. These same students in months, possibly years time, will subsequently use what intelligence they have acquired to generate income from what they see in their immediate environment. As a result of poor academics and/or no education will the department of corrections. The question is what measures can be taken to inspire children to want to achieve something greater than a passing grade?

laffyz 3 Broken down perfectly @kaneenterprisesllc

joel_gamble Trying to get that funding … sad that test scores reflect the budget a school can get …. take the money outta the equation and make schools better … bunch of political bullshit…. education should be free and the best provided to everyone….

damontejr Why are they still getting the same education that I received back in 04!!??

luckyleo8684 Itโ€™s definitely not a secret..

kuppykake1965 @drejohnson1, it’s sickening. I’m 52 and that was going in @ Calverton when I was there

girls2737 It is so sad my daughter graduated in 2009, months before they graduated it was only 30 people graduating come graduation day 90 people were graduating.

mr.combandshears As a former 7th grade teacher I can remember being given a list of 30 plus kids that were failing and only being allowed to pick 1 who definitely deserves to fail and 2 possible.

she_all_abt_hers The kids have to want to help themselves and parents have to be involved as much as they are the first day of school ๐Ÿ™„

ayewhit_84ย  @drejohnson1 still laughing at the caller who said they need to give people jobs your response ๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚๐Ÿ˜‚

dreamfirst_realitysecond Well Iโ€™m saying this now if they even to attempt to ask me to change grades they might as well fire me now , I refuse to pass children I know are failing

misslenajames When I used to teach in Baltimore City , I had a principal change all my failing studentsโ€™ grades to passing. I was very disappointed that she did so because these children did not retain the information or complete work .Also there is a great deal of pressure on the principles and teachers. Passing grades=productivity productivity measures=school stays open to for students . It is the school administrator that made that statement that should eat her words because she knows damn well the pressure North Ave puts on the teachers and principals .

jaybbyslay When I was in high school I had passed algebra 1 with a 70 I even had the report card to show for it my senior year they told me I failed and that I had to do apex or I wouldn’t graduate I finished a day before graduation I know somebody changed my damn grade and I still believe it today

know_daze_off47 The school system is overcrowded and they don’t have enough teachers to teach all those kids. School is an assembly line that they don’t want to get backed up smh.

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