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Dre’s ‪#‎breakfastbite‬.. What are your thoughts on Baltimore Police wearing body cameras? Do you think it’s a win or lose for city residents? ‪#‎92qjams‬ ‪#‎baltimore‬ ‪#‎MARYLAND‬ ‪#‎bmore‬ ‪#‎Thursday‬


Vonnie Fatz Long It’s a catch 22 situation will it be useful in court? Will it get them to be more respectful knowing that their actions are recorded? If there’s injustice will they be truthful in addressing it to the public?

Jemar Jerry McCoy It’s good for both parties…50/50 situation

Stuart Goodall Please stop with the “money in the school argument.” People always scream, “what about the kids? What about the schools?” And then don’t support teachers, or schools, or go to PTA meetings, etc. Like money in schools solves the problem of poor parenting. The poor parenting is why cops are in the neighborhoods, or maybe some of y’all missed that. So, hell yeah, give the cops cameras to show, that while they can be assholes, the people in the communities they are in, can be assholes too. It’s about accountability right? But some of y’all, yeah, y’all don’t like that.

icytwan_ Waste of tax payers$$

mrchevyent Waste of money….its design to only work n favor of the po po

ashleybrewton I think these body cameras are ridiculous because they need to be putting all this money into Baltimore city schools for kids so they can actually have a future and be the future @drejohnson1 @drejohnson1 @drejohnson1

hismrs_theirmom @drejohnson1 Will this really solve anything regarding the police vs civilian issues? I don’t think so. Whose to say the camera will capture everything needed to prove anything in court of needed.

drkingdre They will edit the videos so I don’t see the point.

louxurr The “officials” will probably use them to their own advantage anyway but I guess it’s a start

candyce02 A waste of money

hemi_clouds @drejohnson1 just like the red light cameras there will be “issues”..

eboni_vs_ebo In theory it’s a good idea but will it hold the police accountable???? Probably not. Eric Garner ‘s death was filmed and we see what the outcome was.

iammike_g Instead of getting camera’s for cops how about some of that money goes into schools for our children that need an education??? Smh

gwash79 It’s funny how we find the funds for body cameras but none of our kids in the city have viable after school programs. Priorities Mrs. Rawlings-Blake!!!!!

yoollllaaaannn They need to use that money they so happen to come up with and invest in schools. Did they just see schools are in a deficit! Closing after school programs and laying off teachers come on Baltimore gotta do better!

prettyteefus Please stop with the “money in the school argument.” People always scream, “what about the kids? What about the schools?” And then don’t support teachers, or schools, or go to PTA meetings, etc. Like money in schools solves the problem of poor parenting. The poor parenting is why cops are in the neighborhoods, or maybe some of y’all missed that. So, hell yeah, give the cops cameras to show, that while they can be assholes, the people in the communities they are in, can be assholes too. It’s about accountability right? But some of y’all, yeah, y’all don’t like that.

georgialeith Ppl b***h about wanting camera and police should wear body cameras. Once they get them are mad they didn’t put money into the schools. Ppl are never satisfied smh


Pros & Cons Of Baltimore Police Wearing Body Cameras

Should Baltimore Police Officers Be Equipped With Body Cameras

Mayor Says She Will Veto Police Body Camera Bill


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