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Brandy opened up in her brand new role as guest blogger for VIBE. In her first entry this week she dished on being scared to give her heart away, being cheated on, and her relationship with Flo Rida. Here’s some quotes:

“My daughter hasn’t seen me with anybody in five years….I’m very, very selective when it comes to that because I want to make sure that it’s real. I don’t want her to see me with just anybody because she means everything to me.

“I’ve seen the photos of me and Flo Rida. It doesn’t matter how we met. We met. I don’t want to say that we’re a couple. I can definitely say that he’s somebody in my life and I’m definitely interested but I’m not serious with anybody.”

“You have to be a strong guy to be in a committed relationship. You have to be strong and ready for that. And I just think if you’re not ready for that, then don’t tell me that you are and you’re not. Don’t be ready. Be honest with a girl. Don’t tell somebody that they’re your girlfriend and then you go out and act like you don’t have a girlfriend. That’s not right.

So I’m scared in that sense because I don’t play around with the whole cheating thing. Please don’t do that. I don’t like that. At all. I’m so scared of that.” READ THE REST HERE!

VIDEO: Brandy On Ray J Dating Kim K. Again, “Absolutely NOT!”

GALLERY: Brandy & Flo-Rida Get “Friendly” In Miami

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